Data compression is becoming more and more important. Fortunately, the
latest standard family JPEG2000 has been defined to cover most
of the needs in the different markets. Below you will get some information
regarding JPEG2000 as well as its file formats JP2, JPX and JPM (see
JPEG2000-Family | JP2
JPEG 2000 is a new image compression standard, that
uses state-of-the-art compression techniques based on wavelet technology.
Its architecture lends itself to a wide range of uses from portable
digital cameras, advanced pre-press, medical imaging and other key
JPEG 2000 refers to all parts of the standard: Part
1 (the core) is now published as an International Standard, five
more parts (2-6) are complete or nearly complete, and four new parts
(8-11) are under development. (See Background information.) The parts
Part 1, Core coding system (intended as royalty and
license-fee free - NB NOT patent-free)
Part 2, Extensions (adds more features and sophistication
to the core)
Part 3, Motion JPEG 2000
Part 4, Conformance
Part 5, Reference software (Java and C implementations
are available)
Part 6, Compound image file format (document imaging,
for pre-press and fax-like applications, etc.)
Part 7 has been abandoned
Part 8, JPSEC (security aspects)
Part 9, JPIP (interactive protocols and API)
Part 10, JP3D (volumetric imaging)
Part 11, JPWL (wireless applications)
Following the Maui meeting of JPEG in December 1999,
agreement was reached on the first Committee Draft of Part 1 of
the JPEG 2000 standard. This was a significant milestone in the
standardisation process that eventually culminated in the publication
of International Standard ISO/IEC 15444 Part 1. The 'Joint' in Joint
Photographic Experts Group refers to the link with ITU-T, and ISO/IEC
15444-1 will also be an ITU-T Recommendation, T.800 - the texts will
be identical.
At the Rochester meeting of JPEG in August 2000, the
Final Draft International Standard was issued, put out to all
interested national bodies in ISO for vote, and accepted as a full
International Standard in December 2000.
JP2 (Part 1) - Core coding system
Part 1 is published as ISO/IEC 15444-1:2000. For more
details please visit
JPX (Part 2) - Extensions
For more details please visit
JPM (Part 6) - Compound image file format
For more details please visit