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JP2-ShellExtension - "JP2view_Engine 1.6"

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Product details "JP2view_Engine"

"JP2view_Engine" allows integration of viewing functionality of JPEG2000 images within the Windows Explorer.

Deliveries (electronically only):
JP2view_Engine is delivered "all in one package" as a Microsoft Installer file:
-MSI archive file name: JP2view_Engine_Setup.msi (program release: 1.6; filesize: 5.8 Mbyte), containing:
---User manual: Manual_JP2view_Engine.pdf
---Library: opd_jp2view_engine.dll
Features include:
-Thumbnail view of JPEG2000 image files in the Windows Explorer
-Context menu (right mouse button click) including the following functions:
---Display of JPEG2000 image information in file property dialog box
---Information about file size, image dimensions, pixel depth
---Converting JPEG2000 images into BMP, JPG, TIFF
---Opening JPEG2000 images with your favorite image viewer ("online conversion")

Supported platforms:
-Windows XP / 2000 / ME
Software versions available:
English, German
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, and to alter it and redistribute it freely to the terms as set forth in the license agreement.

User target groups:
-People using digital cameras
-People who want to be able to view JPEG2000 image files in the Windows Explorer


Free download of OptimiData´s "JP2view_Engine"

We appreciate your interest in downloading the product "JP2view_Engine" Please follow the download process described hereinafter:
  1. During the download process the MSI archive JP2view_Engine_Setup.msi will be downloaded to your computer
  2. To install the application double-click the installer file
  3. The Installation wizard guides you through the installation process.
Note: Current Windows operating systems (Win 2000 / XP) support the Microsoft Installer service. If you are using older operating systems (like Win ME), please make sure, that you have installed the latest version of the Microsoft Installer service (available from Microsoft website www.microsoft.com). Win 98 and older versions are not supported.

IMPORTANT: Donwloading and using the software indicates that you agree to the terms as set forth in the software license agreement.

If you do not agree, you are not allowed to download the version of JP2view_Engine.

I agree with the license terms: Download Freeware of "JP2view_Engine" now!

If you would like to receive upgrade and add-on information about JP2view please give us a message by using our web contact form or directly via Email to info@optimidata.com.

